
From Pixelmon Generations Wiki
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Installation requirements

  • A paid copy of the computer edition of Minecraft. This is the version that is obtained by purchasing Minecraft at using a Mojang account.

Only the computer edition can run Pixelmon. Minecraft Pocket Edition (including Windows 10 Edition) and console editions (Xbox, PlayStation, Wii U, Switch) cannot run Pixelmon. Cracked launchers may not save your Pokémon when you quit Minecraft or may cause other issues. This will not be fixed.


  • If Minecraft is currently running, quit out of it before installing anything.
  • It is recommended to have at least 2 GB of RAM allocated to Minecraft. Note that this requires a 64-bit operating system and a 64-bit version of Java.
  • The Pixelmon .jar file is universal, meaning that the same file can be used on both clients and servers.

Forge installation

  1. Navigate to the Forge Downloads website and download the recommended version for the mod (2860 for the security patches).
  2. Download the file that most suits your situation. If on Windows download the "Windows Installer", or is on MacOS/Linux download the "Installer".
  3. Run the downloaded file to begin the installation procedure.
  4. Select "Install Client" on the installer, and click "OK".
  5. Now that Forge is successfully installed, open up the Minecraft Launcher and login if required.
  6. Near the Center Top, select "Installations", and then slightly under that click on "New".
  7. Under the Version tab, you should see something along the lines of "release 1.12.2-forge<Version>" where "Version" is the version you downloaded.
  8. Select that and name the installation something memorable like "Forge 1.12.2".
  9. After saving that, go back to "Play" and change the version near the Play Button to the Installation you just saved.
  10. Now click on "PLAY" and wait for Minecraft to load.
  11. Check the bottom-left corner of the main menu. You should see the Forge version you installed.
  12. Close Minecraft and move on to Pixelmon installation. Minecraft should not be open while installing mods.

Pixelmon installation

  1. Download the latest version of Pixelmon Generations on our Downloads page.
  2. Go into the folder where your Minecraft installation is located at; for windows, by default it's %appdata%\.minecraft (C:\Users\USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft where USERPROFILE is your user).
  3. In the game directory, look for a folder named mods. Forge should have created one.
    Note: If no mods folder is present, refresh your view (try the F5 key). If that fails, create one.
  4. Place the downloaded Pixelmon file inside the mods folder.
    Warning: Do not extract or otherwise edit the downloaded .jar file. Copy it directly into the folder.
  5. Save your profile.
  6. Click any other tab, such as "News". Start the game.
  7. Check the "Mods" section on the main menu. If Pixelmon is listed here, it was installed correctly. Have fun!